According to us, we know that the ever fastest travelling things/particle in the world is Light. Nevertheless, what you will say If I say that Light is not the fastest travelling particles. There is something that travels faster than light.
Yes, faster than light:- Tachyons [massless particles].
Tachyons; It is a hypothetical particle that flows faster than Light [ FTL]. But according to most of physicists and theory are given by great scientists like EINSTEIN i.e, [Theory of Relativity] FTL particles like Tachyons cannot exist because they are not consistent [according to Law of Physics]. Such particles can send signals faster than light.
Gerald Feinberg was the first who discovered or talked about Tachyons.
How can we detect TACHYONS?
Tachyons have never been found in experiments as real particles travelling through any media, they have mass. But Tachyons is massless particles so it can be only predicted theoretically. These FTL particles [Quasiprticles] move through laser-like media.
Can we see it?
As earlier, we have discussed that Tachyons travels faster than light therefore we cannot see it.
An interesting fact about TACHYONS is that it travels backwards in time [according to the viewpoint of some scientists].
As the particles of TACHYONS started losing energy, gradually it speeds starts increasing. Or we can say energy is inversely proportional to the speed of TACHYONS.
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